The NURIS Innovation Cluster's students has made an intelligence robot.
FABLAB has provided its resources for designing a radio-controlled robot with an option of night vision camera. The robot is engineered for search for people in gassed rooms, and inaccessible and dark spaces. The project has been implemented by Asset Malik and Mukhamedzhan Omar, 3-year students of the School of Engineering of the Nazarbayev University Faculty of Robotics. Aset has designed a cryptographic protocol for encrypted telemetry data transmission, and also has written a code for remote control from a smartphone. But the concept of a robot has been engineered by Muhamedzhan. Residents of NURIS, i.e. Kazakhstan Scientific and Production Center "Astana Engineering commissioned for the robot designing.

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Innovation cluster of Nazarbayev University
Nur-Sultan city, 53, Kabanbay batyr Ave.
Tel: +7(7172)70 66 43, 92 99