Dear NU Community,

One of the tasks of Nazarbayev University is to develop cooperation and transmit experience with regional universities.

For that purpose, Vice-President for Innovations Yerden Kussain and NURIS PI began negotiations with regional universities, including East Kazakhstan State University (EKSTU).

EKSTU has historically developed a scientific research in such areas as mining, metallurgy, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, architecture and construction, etc. EKSTU has developed connections with leading industrial enterprises of its region.
EKTSU provided the following information:

- a list of research projects implemented at EKSTU;
- a list of potential projects for joint implementation;
- a list of PhD students and topics of their dissertations (1 and 2 courses).


We ask you to choose topics close to your subject for further
study in order to:

- prepare the new joint applications for funding to state agencies;
- enter industrial enterprises with joint proposals;
- participate in mutually beneficial cooperation;
- for the exchange and internship programs of doctoral students of EKTSU at the NU laboratories and its scientific centers.

In case if you would like to participate in further discussions and if you have any questions, please contact Contract Research Office at NURIS via email
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