Fab Lab Summer Camp shows you dancing robots, presentations of your own business card websites and lots of bright impressions!

Registration on next camp will start July 9 at 11:00 a.m.!
Link for registration
In June 2019, the Nazarbayev University Laboratory of Digital Prototyping Fab Lab held a school camp "MEGA BRAIN"!
According to the results of a two-week training of ten students grades 8-11 have successfully mastered the skills of rapid prototyping, video recording, video post-production, website creation, 3D-modeling, 3D printing, programming on electronic board Arduino, general electronics and effective presentation of the work done!
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About Us on TV!
The rapid prototyping camp "MEGA BRAIN" is such a unique project that it aroused interest even in the national TV channel "Khabar 24". The storyline of our camp was included in the program "Digital Kazakhstan"
See the story of TV channel "Khabar 24" about the Fab Lab camp
First step is an experimental camp
Fab Lab employees prepared a training program adapted for schoolchildren, which consists of a set of trainings and practical exercises that can be useful not only in prototyping, but also in school and in life.

In a few weeks before the start of the camp, we launched an experimental school camp with students in grades 7-8. In the video, one of his participants Abylai tells about his impressions, about how he gathered his robot, made new friends and spent time with benefits.
See an interview with Abylay about the summer camp "MEGA BRAIN"
Each student has developed his own unique otto-robot, starting from designing a robot platform from parts printed on a 3D printer, ending with programming dance movements to the beat of a favorite song.

The children under the supervision of our specialists worked with 3D printers, laser engravers and soldering stations.
In addition to the skills of robotics in the summer camp program, such important soft skills as photo-video filming, business card site creation, and effective presentation skills were studied. Now the guys are prepared to protect their project in front of independent experts!
It is day X! The robots received names, bright presentations were prepared, videos were uploaded to business card websites! NURIS staff from different departments acted as an independent jury.
Each student told about himself, presented the results of his work and demonstrated a dancing robot. And most importantly, during these weeks, the guys became friends and had a great time together!
The first shift of the Fab Lab summer camp was held at "Hurray", leaving bright impressions on the students and the staff!

A new recruitment in the "MEGA BRAIN"
will start July 9 at 11:00 a.m.
Link for registration
Astana Business Campus - Innovation cluster of Nazarbayev University

Nur-Sultan city, 53, Kabanbay batyr Ave.
Tel: +7(7172)70 66 43, 92 99