"NURIS" PI on behalf of the University Management began negotiations on establishing cooperation with regional universities. As part of the execution of this order, on March 15, 2019, the first meeting with representatives of the Karaganda State Technical University was held.
Professor Vasily Portnov, Doctor of Technical Sciences and Mausymbaeva Aliya Dumanovna, PhD met with Professors of the School of Mining and Geosciences.
Within the discussion the projects for joint collaboration, Professors of the School of Mining expressed an interest in cooperating in the study of the distribution of iron minerals and building its spatial model in the coals and rocks of the Shubarkol deposit, implemented in KSTU by Professor Portnov.
Currently, a similar project is being implemented by Professors and students of the School of Mining to build a block model and conduct a geostatistical assessment and analysis of the distribution of iron in the coals of the Shubarkol deposit. Professors from both universities offered to work together on projects.
The meeting participants also agreed to prepare a joint research application for submitting it to the NU Collaborative Research Program.